Kenneth Vercammen & Associates, P.C.
2053 Woodbridge Ave.
Edison, NJ 08817
(732) 572-0500

Monday, February 19, 2018

4:87-3. Form of Account; Statement of Assets to Be Annexed to Account

4:87-3. Form of Account; Statement of Assets to Be Annexed to Account
a) Form of Account. The charges and allowances as to principal and income and the
statements required to be annexed to the account may be typed or in the form of
computer or machine printouts; and, where appropriate, the accountant may use a single
schedule for the presentation of portions of the account, but charges and allowances as
to corpus and income shall be stated separately.
(b) Statement to Be Annexed to Account. To all accounts shall be annexed:
(1) a full statement or list of the investments and assets composing the balance
of the estate in the accountant's hands, setting forth the inventory value or the
value when the accountant acquired them and the value as of the day the account
is drawn, and also stating with particularity where the investments and assets are
deposited or kept and in what name;
(2) a statement of all changes made in the investments and assets since they
were acquired or since the day of the last account, together with the date the
changes were made;
(3) a statement as to items apportioned between principal and income, showing
the apportionments made;
(4) a statement as to apportionments made with respect to transfer inheritance
or estate taxes;
(5) a statement of allocation if counsel fees, commissions and other
administration expenses have been paid out of corpus, but the benefits of the
deductions from corpus have been allocated in part or in whole to income
beneficiaries for tax purposes; and
(6) a statement showing how the commissions requested, with respect to corpus,
are computed, and in summary form the assets or property, if any, not appearing

in the account on which said commissions are in part based.

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